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Check-in: alates 15:00
Check-out: 10:00 0 Tagasiside
Check-in: alates 15:00 Check-out: 10:00

Naudi rahulikku ÖÖD looduses

Set against the backdrop of Sequoia National Park, this area is home to the largest and oldest living things on Earth: the Giant Sequoia trees. With two miles of river running through, hilly landscapes, and natural rock gardens, this special destination truly emanates from the highest vibration.

Only minutes away from hiking trails and the river with private swim holes and a barrel sauna, all set for outdoor cooking with a hibachi grill.
This is a luxury nature environment with everything you need to feel at home, including Starlink internet highspeed. This magical spot feels like paradise as you sit and watch the stars in front of a big fire pit.

A perfect destination to write your next chapter in life or in your next creative endeavor. The healing river and the trails will inspire you on your journey to reach the next high in life. Go see and stand next to the oldest and tallest trees on this planet in just 30-45 min or drive 5 min to the back end of this incredible park.


Vaata kõiki mugavusi

ÖÖD by Paradise Ranch - LIMITLESS

Broneeri kohe

Nightly rates starting from 450.00 EUR per night

Broneeri kohe Alates 450.00 EUR / öö


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ÖÖD Kirtlington - Cubley
Alates 335 GBP / öö

ÖÖD Kirtlington - Cubley

England, Suurbritannia

Maalilises Oxfordshire'i maapiirkonnas asub võluv Kirtlingtoni küla, mis on Inglismaa maapiirkonna tõeline pärl. Ajaloost läbi imbunud ja vapustavate maastikega ümbritsetud Kirtlington pakub rahulikku ja idüllilist puhkust linnaelust.

Alates 250 GBP / öö

ÖÖD Arbikie - TRIUMPH (Uus)

Scotland, Suurbritannia

Šotimaa maalilises ilus asuv Arbikie Distillery on palju rohkemat kui ainult viski elamus. Neli ÖÖD Peegelmaja ühendavad maalähedase võlu kaasaegse luksusega, sukeldudes samaaegselt Šotimaa lummavasse maailma.