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Check-in: alates 15:00
Check-out: 11:00 0 Tagasiside
Check-in: alates 15:00 Check-out: 11:00

Naudi rahulikku ÖÖD looduses

WonderINN is tucked away in the quiet nature reserve of Nordre Øyeren, only a 25-minute drive from the center of Oslo. You’ll experience a unique ecosystem where two of Norway’s longest rivers meet, home to more fish and bird species than almost anywhere else in the country. Fishing, bird watching, hiking, biking, canoeing, and boat trips are popular activities in the area. We get frequent visits from small deer, squirrels, and more than 270 different bird species, including many migrating birds.

Lush is one of three cabins located beautifully between gullies and acres at the riverbank of Vorma at Huser Gard in Nes municipality. The name Lush refers to the lush riverside vegetation and forest surrounding the cabin. Lush is the most northerly of the cabins at Huser, and the riverside terrace is the perfect vantage point for the Svanfoss locks - and perhaps for a beaver or two at twilight!

A free sauna session in our unique mirrored sauna is included in your stay. You can book a time to enjoy the views over the river alone or with your partner - and finish the session with a refreshing swim in the river!
The cabin has its own portable toilet for "emergencies". There are regular toilets and a shower in the barn (about 100 m away). There is also an outdoor shower at the riverside, next to the sauna.

For food serving options, we offer a breakfast basket for 2 and a tapas plate for 2, ready for you to pick up for an extra charge.


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ÖÖD by The WonderInn - Lush

Broneeri kohe

Nightly rates starting from 318.00 EUR per night

Broneeri kohe Alates 318.00 EUR / öö


Sarnased elamused

ÖÖD by Grautaneset

ÖÖD by Grautaneset

Møre og Romsdal, Norra

The Mirror at Grautaneset pakub looduselamust, mille sarnast on raske leida. Siin saab täielikult muust maailmast eralduda ja lihtsalt lõõgastuda. Ümberringi ei ole naabreid, ainult ilus vaade, loodus ja päikeseloojang justkui muinasjutust.

ÖÖD Vermont Glass House

ÖÖD Vermont Glass House

VT, Ameerika Ühendriigid

Ameerika Ühendriikides Vermont osariigis Green Mountains mäestiku südames asuvast privaatsest peegelmajast avanevad maalilised loodusvaated hommiku- ja õhtupäikesele.